Meet Professor Rajesh Sani
Rajesh K. Sani, Professor:
Departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering & Applied Biological Sciences
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSMT)
501 E. St. Joseph Street, Rapid City, SD

Summary of Main Accomplishments
- Total funding generated (40 projects*) = $44.4 million (PI: $7,593,500)
- Peer-reviewed Publications = 85
- Total citations = 2923 (as of May 2020) -
- h-index = 28 (Scopus and Mendeley, as of May 2020)
- Books edited/Co-edited = 9
- Lab manual (Biochemistry) = 1
- Book chapters published = 23
- Edited special issues in research = 4 (Bioresourse Technology, Frontiers, MDPI Microorganisms)
- Invention disclosures = 7
- Presentations at Various Institutions and National and International Meetings (Total = 250)
- Keynote talks = 5
- Current Students, Research Scientists, Interns, Visiting professors, and Teachers (Total = 23)
- Taught 15 different courses (6 courses were new and developed by me) in SDSMT and several short courses and workshops in Indian and Chinese universities
- International activities: Signed 7 MoUs with Indian universities to establish - staff exchange and collaboration; joint research activities and publications; dual degree bachelor programs; student exchange program; and online undergrad and graduate courses
*These 40 projects were funded by various federal and non-federal agencies e.g., National Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Defense (DoD) - Air Force Civil Engineer Center, The United States Geological Survey (USGS), Governor Office of Economic Development South Dakota, Nelson Foundation, Government of India and Indo-US Science and Technology Forum, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc., KL Energy, and The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) etc.
In addition to teaching undergraduate and graduate sciences and bioengineering courses at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, I have been conducting, supporting, and overseeing a significant amount of fundamental and applied research in the areas of bioenergy (alternative fuels) and bioprospecting of novel extremophilic microorganisms from different environments. My research expertise includes Extremophilic Bioprocessing, Genome Editing of Extremophiles, Space Biology, Biopolymers, and Metabolic Engineering. Several of my accomplishments in research and advising include: i) Postdocs supervised (8); ii) Graduate students supervised (MS students, 12 and PhD, 14), and iii) Undergraduate students and K12 teachers supervised (over 60). We have one patent, seven invention disclosures, and published over 78 peer-reviewed articles in high impact factor journals and have contributed in over 18 book chapters. We have edited four books and one proceedings for Springer International Publishing AG. In addition, I have been on proposal panels for Federal Agencies i) National Science Foundation, ii) U.S. Army Research Office, iii) Department of Energy, and iv) U.S. Geological Survey. I also serve the Industrial Microbiology profession as “Biocatalysis Program Committee Member” of the Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), technical session chair at the Annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and SIMB, and an associate editor. During my tenure as a faculty member, I have taken leadership roles in research, teaching, and service activities, and received several laurels both at national and international levels. For example, please see a list of selected credentials below:
- Awarded university level “Mines Research Award 2018” ($2.5K) by SDSMT
- We (Aug 2017) have been awarded a NSF grant to study “Building Genome-to-Phenome Infrastructure for Regulating Methane in Deep and Extreme Environments (BuG ReMeDEE consortium).” I am leading this consortium having 75 people (faculty and students)
- PI or co-PI on over $18.4 million in funded research in the past 12 years. Out of $18.4 million, I have been a Lead PI on $7.6 million in funded research.
- Chair of “Biology Program” for the Conference on Science at the Sanford Underground Research Facility, SDSMT (2015 and 2017)
- Chair of “Biocatalysis Program” for the Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (2016-2017)
- A member of an International Advisory Committee for the “International Conference on Recent Advances in Bioenergy Research” India (2015 and 2017)
- A member of an Organizing Committee for the “Beneficial Microbes: Food, Pharma, Aqua and Beverage Industry” USA (2016)
- International advisor on a Research project funded by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India (2013-2016)
- A member of “ASM-IUSSTF Indo-US Professorship Awards in Microbiology Selection Committee” (2017-2019)
- Technical session chair at the annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology annual meetings
- Keynote speakers at “Beneficial Microbes” USA and “Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Bio-Energy” India
- Associate editor of Frontiers in Microbiology (a reputed peer reviewed journal, Impact factor: 4.165), Canadian Journal of Biotechnology (launched in 2017), and for three text books (Springer publishers)
- Over 70 invited platform presentations at conferences, universities, meetings, and elementary, middle, and high schools
- Panelist and reviewer for the NSF, U.S. Army Research Office, Department of Energy, U.S. Geological Survey, and Sun Grant Initiative for South Central Region
- Recipient of ASM-IUSSF Indo-US Professorship Award to teach a short course in India
- Recipient of the Carol D. Litchfield Outstanding Poster Presentation award at the SIMB 2017 Annual Meeting, Denver, CO
- Recipient of the best paper (NASA related-research) award at the SURF International Conference as well as Society of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
A. Education
- D., Environmental Biotechnology. Institute of Microbial Technology (National Laboratory), Punjab University, Chandigarh, India, October 1998.
- MS, Biotechnology. Major in Enzyme Biotechnology, Devi Ahilya University, Indore (MP), India, July 1993.
- BS, Non-Biology. Major in Mathematics, Meerut University, Meerut (UP), India, September 1990.
B. Professional Experience and Training
- 2018 – Present Professor, Departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering & Chemistry and Applied Biological Sciences, SDSMT, Rapid City, SD
- 2012 – 2018 Associate Professor, Departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering & Chemistry and Applied Biological Sciences, SDSMT, Rapid City, SD
- 2006 – 2012 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, SDSMT, SD
- 2005 – 2006 Associate Director, WSU/NSF Center for Multiphase Environmental Research, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
- 2005 – 2006 Teaching Faculty, School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
- 2002 – 2005 Assistant Research Professor, School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
C. International Activities
In the past 11 years, I have supervised 68 diverse students and research scientists. They were from India (28), China (1), Nepal (2), Nigeria (3), Malaysia (3), Mexico (1), Taiwan (1), Turkey (2), and USA (27). He found that a good blend of team members with diverse backgrounds gave incredible results, which he calls synergism in extremophilic microbiology.
In last three years, I have signed 7 MoUs (see below, with government funded universities involved in outstanding teaching and cutting-edge research activities. I have personally visited these universities, interacted with their academic Heads/Deans, delivered lectures, talked to the students, and discussed SDSMT teaching/research activities. The main goals for signing these MoUs with Indian Institutes and Universities are to establish: staff exchange and collaboration; joint research activities and publications; dual degree bachelor programs; student exchange program; and online undergrad and graduate courses.
- Guru Nanak Dev University of lndia (GNDU) – Amristsar, India – MOU
- Jaypee University of Information Technology (JAYPEE) – Waknaghat, Solan – MOU
- Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education (KARE), Krishnankoil – MOU
- Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) – Kalinga – MOU
- Madurai Kamaraj University (MKU), Madurai, Tamil Nadu – MOU
- National Institute of Technology Durgapur (NIT Durgapur), Durgapur, West Bengal – MOU
- Ponnaiyah Ramajayam Institute of Science & Technology (PRIST) – Tamil Nadu, India – MOU
I received a “Research Professorship award” from American Society for Microbiology (USA) to perform research at Guru Nanak Dev University, India. Prof. Sudhir Kumar from Jaypee University, India has spent 1 year (sabbatical leaves) with my group, and we have published 5 joint research articles, 3 text books, and 5 book chapters. More importantly, at this moment, SDSMT has 8 interns from Jaypee University of Information Technology University and 1 intern from Guru Nanak Dev University for their 6 months research projects.
D. Service
- Chair of “Biology Program” for the Conference on Science at the Sanford Underground Research Facility, SDSMT
- Organizing and chairing two sessions and plenary talks at the SURF conference
- Signing five MoUs with Indian Universities
- Establishing industry academia Partnerships
- Research Infrastructure Development
- Organizing seminars by various national and international faculty for research and Black Hill Sigma Xi Chapter
- Recruiting undergraduate and graduate students
- Participating in Biosafety Committee
- Serving on a Faculty Search and Screen Committee (CBE)
- Serving on a committee to prepare documents for “Promotion and Tenure” (CBE)
- Serving on a Promotion and Tenure committee (CABS)
- Reviewing of Tenure and Promotion Application Dossiers for a SDSMT faculty
- Meetings with faculty candidates for Department of Chemistry and Applied Biological Sciences and Departments of Nano Science and Engineering
- Recruiting students for the Applied Biological Sciences (BS ABS) and Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE PhD)
- Curriculum development for Applied Biological Sciences (BS ABS) and Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE PhD)
- Other University Service Activities
- Presentations of various Industry representatives in class
- Judging SDSMT students research
- Judging middle and high school children’s research work
- Interacted with CABS and CBE UG students in courses and supervise them in research
- Writing letters of recommendations
- Member and active in professional organization (AIChE, SIMB, Sigma Xi and ASM)
- Disseminating DUSEL/SURF microbial research to university students
- Middle and High School presentations on “Extremophilic Bioprocessing”
- Publishing research papers with students
- Visited six Indian universities and a college to recruit graduate and undergraduate students, and establish dual BS degree, student exchange, and collaborative research programs.
Contributions to the Discipline or Profession
- Acting as a Chair for the “Biocatalysis” Program for a Professional Society
- Acting as a panelist in National Science Foundation panel
- Acting as an Editor of two text books
- Acting as a co-Editor of a book
- Acting as an Associate Editor of a Journal
- Acting as co-Editors of two research topics for Frontiers Journal
- Chairing of Technical Sessions at various conferences
- Editing Manuscripts for several journals
- Acting as a Peer Reviewer for various journals
- Maintaining Memberships at several professional affiliations (e.g., American Society for Gravitational and Space Research, Society of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, Sigma Xi, The Biotech Research Society, India, and The American Institute of Chemical Engineers)
Contributions to the Community-at-large
- Teaching one-week course on “Extremophilic and Microbial Processes for Biofuels” in India
- Teaching a Microbiology course to undergraduate students at Jaypee University, India
- Teaching a module on “Extremophiles: Energy and Environment” to High School students, Rapid City SD
- Organizing meetings and seminars for Black Hills Regional Chapter
- Nominating several students for “Sigma Xi” membership
- International advisor on a Government of India-Funded Research Project
- Serving as the examiner to evaluate a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
- Teaching at Neutrino day, Lead, SD
- Teaching at SURF teacher workshop, Lead, SD
- Collaborative research with Prof. WUT Anna Trusek-Holownia (Poland)
- Collaborative Research with several professors e.g., Prof. Sutapa Barua (Missouri University of Science and Technology)
- Serving a member of International Advisory Committee on an International Conference on ‘Recent Advances in Bioenergy Research’
- Attending “International Recruiting Group Meetings, SDSMT
- Working as a volunteer to treat wastewater in India
- Attending “Quarterly Meetings – Defenders of the Black Hills
- Teaching in Hill City High School, SD
- Volunteer work at the Valley View Elementary School activities
- Disseminating Extremophilic Bioprocessing research to school children and college students
- Judging high school and college students, K-12 teacher, graduate/medical students and postdoctoral fellow’ research work, Sioux Falls, SD
- Judging middle and high school children’s posters, SDSMT
E. Awards and Fellowships
- Best paper award for our work (NASA-funded project) on “Microgravity electrolytes for Enhanced Bioelectrochemical Reaction Rates for Space Biology Applications” in Astrobiology, SURF International Conference, May 2017
- Winner of the Carol D. Litchfield Outstanding Student Poster Presentation at the SIMB 2017 Annual Meeting, Denver, CO
- DBT Scholarship – Two-year scholarship during MS program awarded by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India
- CSIR Research Scholarship – Five-year scholarship during Ph.D. program awarded by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India
- Outstanding Student Research Travel Award – To attend the “All India Cell Biology Conference and Symposia” held at the Bose Institute, Calcutta, India
- STA Fellowship – Two-year fellowship awarded by the Science and Technology Agency, Japan to carryout research in Japan.
- CSIR Research Fellowship, awarded by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and University Grants Commission (CSIR-UGC, New Delhi, India); a Research Fellowship for five years from 1994 to 1998 for Ph.D. program.
- DBT Scholarship, recipient of a scholarship during master’s program from the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India for two years from July 1991 to June 1993.
- Outstanding Student Research Award, to attend the “All India Cell Biology Conference and Symposia” held at the Bose Institute, Calcutta, India in December 1995. ASM-IUSSF Indo-US Professorship Award (2014) to teach a short course on “Title: Interactive Short Course on Anaerobic Microbial Processes for Energy and Environment” in India.
F. Professional Affiliations
- American Society for Microbiology (2006 onwards)
- Sigma Xi (2007 onwards)
- Society of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (2008 onwards).
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers (2009 onwards)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (2006-2016)
- American Chemical Society (2006-2008)
- American Geophysical Union (2006-2008)
- Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (2006-2009)
- The Geochemical Society (2006-2010)
G. Reviewing Activities
- Peer reviewer for AIMS Energy, Analytica Chimica Acta, Bioresourse Technology, BMC Microbiology, Biotechnology for Biofuels, Biotechnology Progress, Carbohydrate Research, Environmental Engineering Science, Environmental Science & Technology, Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry, Geomicrobiology Journal, Microbial Ecology, Microorganisms, Recent Advances in DNA & Gene Sequence, and Nature Microbiology Review
- Proposal panelist (Task Force) and reviewer for the NSF, U.S. Army Research Office, S. Biological Survey Department of Energy Department of Energy, U.S. Geological Survey, User Facility – Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, and Sun Grant Initiative for South Central Region.
H. Collaborators (Past Five Years):
Co-Author, Collaborator, Co-Editor, Graduate Advisor & Postdoctoral Sponsor, Thesis Advisor & Postdoctoral Sponsor
Name | Organizational Affiliation |
Almeida, Rodrigo Volcan | Universitária, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil |
Amezcua, Allieri A Myriam | Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Mexico |
Anell, Jorge A. Aburto | Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Mexico |
Annarita, Poli | Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, Italy |
Ano Bom, Cristiane Dinis | Universitária, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Balan, V. | Michigan State University, USA |
Bansal, N. | Michigan State University, USA |
Barbara, Nicolaus | Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, Italy |
Becerra, Manuel | Universidade da Coruña, Spain |
Bhalla, Aditya | Michigan State University, USA |
Bischoff, Kenneth | USDA-NCAUR |
BİRBİR, Meral | Marmara University, Turkey |
Blamey, Jenny | Swissaustral USA |
Callaghan, Amy V. | University of Oklahoma, USA |
Carlson, Russ P. | Montana State University, USA |
Caudle, Kyle A. | SDSM&T, USA |
Cerdán, María Esperanza | Universidade da Coruña, Spain |
Chadha, Bhupinder | GNDU, India |
Chandraa, Ram | Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, India |
Chang, Connie B. | Montana State University, USA |
Chinthala, Paramageetham | Sri Venkateswara University, India |
Christakopoulos, Paul | Luleå University of Technology, Sweden |
Christopher L. | Biorefining Research Institute, Canada |
DANIŞ, Özkan | Marmara University, Turkey |
Dheeran, Pratibha | Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa |
Dhiman, Saurabh | SDSM&T, USA |
Dohnalkova, Alice | PNNL, USA |
Escuder, Juan José | Universidade da Coruña, Spain |
Fei, Qiang | National Renewable Energy Laboratory, CO, USA |
Fields, Matthew W. | Montana State University, USA |
Forgacs, Gergely | University of Bath, UK |
Fuciños, Pablo | International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal |
Gadhamshetty, V. | SDSM&T, USA |
Gardner, Robert D. | University of Minnesota, USA |
Gerlach, Robin | Montana State University, USA |
Gibbons, William | South Dakota State University, USA |
Ginn, Timothy | Washington State University, USA |
Giuseppina, Tommonaro | Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, Italy |
Goh, K.M. | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |
Gonzalez, Ramon | Rice University, USA |
González-González, Roberto | University of Vigo, Spain |
González Siso, María Isabel | Universidade da Coruña, Spain |
Gundala, Prasada Babu | Sri Venkateswara University, India |
Hadley, Kevin R. | SDSM&T, USA |
Halfmann, Charles | South Dakota State University, USA |
Hatzenpichler, Roland | Montana State University, USA |
Huang, Shaobo | SDSM&T, USA |
Hughes, Stephen | USDA-NCAUR |
Kambourova, Margarita | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria |
Kango, Naveen | Dr. Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, India |
Kaur, Baljit | Guru Nanak Dev University, India |
Khandeparker, Rakhee | National Institute of Occeanography, India |
Krumholz, Lee R. | University of Oklahoma, USA |
Kukkadapu, Ravi | PNNL, Richland, USA |
Kumar, Sachin | Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Bio-Energy, India |
Kumar, Sudhir | Jaypee University of Information Technology, India |
Lauchnor, Ellen G. | Montana State University, USA |
López, Olalla López | Universidade da Coruña, Spain |
Madden, Andrew S. Elwood | University of Oklahoma, USA |
Martinez-Hernandez, Elias | University of Oxford, UK |
Moll, Karen | Montana State University, USA |
Moreno García, Antonio David | Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden |
Muthukumarappan K. | SDSU, SD, USA |
Navanietha Krishnaraj, Rathinam | SDSM&T, USA |
Nair Muraleedharan, Madhu | Luleå University of Technology, Sweden |
OGAN, Ayşe | Marmara University, Turkey |
Orlygsson, Johann | University of Akureyri, Iceland |
Paola, Di Donato | Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, Italy |
Pedersen, Todd | Montana State University, USA |
Pienkos, Philip | National Renewable Energy Laboratory, CO, USA |
Pinkelman, R. | SDSM&T, USA |
Raj, Subramanian | PRIST University, India |
Rajendran, Karthik | Swedish Centre for Resource Recovery, Sweden |
Rao, Raman | Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Bio-Energy, India |
Rastogi, Gurdeep | Govt. of Odisha, India |
Reddy, Venkat | SDSM&T, USA |
Roberto, Abbamondi Gennaro | Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, Italy |
Rúa Luisa María | University of Vigo, Spain |
Sadhukhan, Jhuma | University of Surrey, UK |
Salem, D.R. | SDSM&T, USA |
Sankaranarayanan, Krithivasan | University of Oklahoma, USA |
Sarmiento, Felipe | Swissaustral USA |
Schneiderman, S | SDSM&T, USA |
Scully, Sean Michael | University of Akureyri, Iceland |
Şengör, Sevinç | Southern Methodist University |
Shende, Anuradha | SDSM&T, USA |
Shende, Rajesh | SDSM&T, USA |
Siew Ng, Kok | University of Surrey, UK |
Singh, Gursharan | Punjab University, India |
Soni, Hemant | Dr. Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, India |
Spycher, Nicolas | Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Squillace, P. | SDSM&T, USA |
Smirnova, Alevtina L. | SDSM&T, USA |
Stewart, B.D. | MSU, Bozeman |
Stone, James | SDSM&T, USA |
Surovek, Andrea E. | SDSM&T, USA |
Uppugundla, N. | Michigan State University |
Verma, Ritika | Jaypee University of Information Technology, India |
Wilking, James N. | Montana State University, USA |
Winter, Robb | SDSM&T, USA |
Wood, V. | SDSM&T, USA |
Yadav, Sheelu | Babasaheb Bhima Rao Ambedkar Central University, India |
Zhou, Ruanbao | South Dakota State University, USA |