Geology and Geological Engineering

Dr. Laurie Anderson
Paleobiology, Paleoecology, Taphonomy
Research Teaching People News & Links Publications CV


* PDF's of the publications listed below are available from


  1. Ellwood BB, Febo L, Anderson LC, Hackworth RT, Means GH, Bryan JA, Tomkin J, Rowe H, Jovane L (2019) Regional to global correlation of Eocene-Oligocene boundary transition successions using biostratigraphic, geophysical and geochemical methods. Geological Magazine. doi: 10.1017/S0016756819000578.
  2. Lim SJ, Alexander L, Engel AS, Paterson AT, Anderson LC, Campbell BJ (2019) Extensive thioautotrophic gill endosymbiont diversity within a single Cena orbiculata (Bivalvia: Lucinidae) population and implications for defining host-symbiont specificity and species recognition. mSystems DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.00280-19.
  3. Lim SJ, Davis BG, Gill DE, Walton J, Nachman E, Engel, AS, Anderson LC, Campbell BJ (2018) Taxonomic and functional heterogeneity of the gill microbiome in a symbiotic coastal mangrove lucinid species. The ISME Journal 13:902–920 doi: 10.1038/s41396-018-0318-3.
  4. Engel AS, Liu C, Paterson AT, Anderson LC, Turner RE, Overton EB (2017) Salt marsh bacterial communities before and after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Aug 4. pii. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00784-17.
  5. Carter JG, Altaba CR, Anderson LC, Campbell DC, Zongje F, Harries PJ, Skelton PW (2015) The paracladistic approach to phylogenetic taxonomy. Paleontological Contributions 12: 1-9.
  6. Anderson LC (2014) Relationships of internal shell features to chemosymbiosis, life position, and geometric constraints within the Lucinidae (Bivalvia). In: Hembree DI, Platt BF, Smith, JJ (eds.) Experimental Approaches to Understanding Fossil Organisms: Lessons from the Living. Springer, Topics in Geobiology 41:49-72.
  7. Anderson LC (2014) Ultra-elongate freshwater pearly mussels (Unionida): Roles for function and constraint in multiple morphologic convergences with marine taxa. In: Hembree DI, Platt BF, Smith, JJ (eds.) Experimental Approaches to Understanding Fossil Organisms: Lessons from the Living. Springer, Topics in Geobiology 41: 21-47.
  8. Fry B, Anderson LC (2014) Minimal incorporation of Deepwater Horizon oil by estuarine filter feeders. Marine Pollution Bulletin 80:282-287. (available online January 2014)
  9. Hallan A, Colgan DJ, Anderson LC, Garcia A, Chivas AR (2013) Molecular phylogenetics suggests a single origin for the limnetic-euryhaline taxa in the Corbulidae Lamarck, 1818 (Bivalvia: Myoidea). Zoologica Scripta 42:278-287.
  10. Carter JG, Harries PJ, Malchus N, Sartori AF, Anderson LC, Bieler R, Bogan AE, Coan EV, Cope JCW, Cragg S, Garcia-March JR, Hylleberg J, Kelley P, Kleemann K, Kriz J, McRoberts C, Mikkelsen P, Pojeta J Jr, Temkin I, Yancey T, Zieritz A (2012) Illustrated Glossary of the Bivalvia. Treatise Online 48: Part N (Bivalvia), Revised, Part N, Vol. 1, Ch. 31:209 p.
  11. Carter JG, Altaba CR, Anderson LC, 48 others (2011) A synoptical classification of the Bivalvia (Mollusca). Paleontolgoical Contributions 4:1-48.
  12. Anderson LC, Wesselingh F, Hartman, JH (2010) A phylogenetic and morphologic context for the radiation of an endemic fauna in a long-lived lake: Corbulidae (Bivalvia; Myoida) in the Miocene Pebas Formation of western Amazonia. Paleobiology 36:534-554.
  13. Goodwin DH, Anderson LC, Roopnarine PD (2008) Evolutionary origins of novel conchologic Growth Patterns in Tropical American corbulid bivalves. Evolution and Development 10:643-656.
  14. Anderson LC, Hartman JH, Wesselingh F (2006) Close evolutionary affinities between freshwater corbulid bivalves from the Neogene of Western Amazonia and Paleogene of the Northern Great Plains, USA. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 21:28-48. (invited)
  15. Nemesio A, Aronowsky A, Anderson LC (2006) Exallocorbula (Bivalvia: Corbulidae), a new name for the Amazonian molluscan fossil Pebasia Nuttall. Veliger 48:228-229.
  16. Anderson LC, Roopnarine PD (2005) Role of constraint and selection in the morphologic evolution of Caryocorbula (Mollusca: Corbulidae) from the Caribbean Neogene. Paleontologica Electronica 8.2.32A. (invited)
  17. Anderson LC, Roopnarine PD (2003) Evolution and phylogenetic relationships of Neogene Corbulidae (Bivalvia; Myoidea) of tropical America. Journal of Paleontology 77:1086-1102. (Received best paper award for journal for 2003.)
  18. Henderson WG, Anderson LC, McGimsey CR (2002) Distinguishing natural and archaeological deposits: Stratigraphy, taxonomy, and taphonomy of Holocene shell-rich accumulations from the Louisiana chenier plain. Palaios 17:192-205.
  19. Taylor MJ, McBride RA, Anderson LC, Byrnes MR (2002) Building on the research of our founders: 65 years of chenier plain studies at Louisiana State University. In Steinberg MK, Hudson PF (eds). Cultural and Physical Expositions: Geographic Studies in the Southern United States and Latin America. Geoscience Publications, Department of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, p. 261-276.
  20. Anderson LC (2001) Temporal and geographic size trends in Neogene Corbulidae (Bivalvia) of tropical America: Using environmental sensitivity to decipher causes of morphologic trends. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 166:101-120.
  21. Anderson LC (2001) Transport and spatial fidelity. In Briggs DEG, Crowther PR (eds.) Palaeobiology II. Blackwell Scientific, 289-292
  22. McBride RA, Anderson LC, Tudoran A, Roberts HH (2000) Holocene stratigraphic architecture of a sand-rich shelf and the origin of linear shoals: Northeastern Gulf of Mexico. In Bergman KM, Snedden JW (eds.) Isolated Shallow Marine Sand Bodies: Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis and Sedimentologic Interpretation. SEPM Special Publication 64:95-126.
  23. Anderson LC, McBride RA, Taylor MJ, Byrnes MR (1998) Late Holocene record of community replacement preserved in time-averaged molluscan assemblages, Louisiana chenier plain. Palaios 13:488-499.
  24. Anderson LC, Sen Gupta, BK, McBride RA, Byrnes MR (1997) Reduced seasonality of Holocene climate and pervasive mixing of Holocene marine section: Northeastern Gulf of Mexico shelf. Geology 25:127-130.
  25. Heydari E, Wade WJ, Anderson LC (1997) Depositional environments, organic carbon accumulation, and solar-forcing cyclicity in Smackover Formation lime mudstones, northern Gulf Coast. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 81: 760-774.
  26. Anderson LC (1996) Neogene Paleontology in the northern Dominican Republic. 16. The Family Corbulidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Bulletins of American Paleontology 110:5-34.
  27. Anderson LC, McBride RA (1996) Taphonomic and paleoenvironmental evidence of Holocene shell-bed genesis and history in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico shelf. Palaios 11:532-549.
  28. Gangopadhyay T, Anderson LC, Jones MH, McBride RA (1996) Mollusca and benthic foraminifera of the Pensacola Bay and Perdido Bay estuarine systems, Florida and Alabama. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions 46:133-147.
  29. McBride RA, Byrnes MR, Anderson LC, Sen Gupta BK (1996) Holocene and Late Pleistocene sedimentary facies of a sand-rich continental shelf: A standard section for the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions 46:287-299.
  30. Anderson LC, Byrnes MR, McBride RA (1995) Paleoenvironmental and taphonomic evidence of diverse bioclast sources and their implications for the depositional settings of southwestern Louisiana cheniers. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions 45:21-29.
  31. Heydari E, Wade WJ, Anderson LC (1995) Depositional environments and accumulation of organic matter in the Smackover Formation, north-central Gulf of Mexico. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions 45:251-258.
  32. Anderson LC (1994) Paleoenvironmental control of species distributions and intraspecific variability in Neogene Corbulidae (Bivalvia: Myacea) of the Dominican Republic. Journal of Paleontology 68:460-473.
  33. Anderson LC (1992) Naticid gastropod predation on corbulid bivalves: Effects of physical factors, morphological features, and statistical artifacts. Palaios 7:602-620.
  34. Anderson LC, Geary DH, Nehm RH, Allmon WD (1991) A comparative study of naticid gastropod predation on Varicorbula caloosae and Chione cancellata, Plio-Pleistocene of Florida, U.S.A. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 85:29-46.

Other Publications

  1. Anderson LC (2009) Mollusca from oil and gas platforms on the Louisiana continental shelf: A biotechnology survey. Evaluation of oil and gas platforms on the Louisiana continental shelf for organisms with biotechnology potential. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA. OCS Study MMS 2009-059:37-42.
  2. Anderson LC (2003) Mollusca from oil and gas platforms on the Louisiana continental shelf: A biotechnology survey. Minerals Management Service, Information Transfer Report.
  3. Anderson LC, Sen Gupta BK, Smith L (2002) Molluscs and benthic foraminifers of Chevron ST23: Preliminary biotic survey and evaluation of biotechnology potential. Minerals Management Service, Information Transfer Report.
  4. McBride RA, Anderson LC, Taylor MJ, McGimsey C, Byrnes MR (1997) Linear Sand Bodies in Muddy Environments: Geologic Framework, Sedimentary Processes, and Geoarchaeology of the Southwestern Louisiana Chenier Plain. Friends of the Pleistocene--South Central Cell and American Association of Petroleum Geologists Field Guide, 151 p.
  5. Byrnes MR, McBride RA, Anderson LC, Taylor MJ, Zenero RR (1995) Sedimentary Processes, Geologic Framework, and Coastal Erosion Issues of the Chenier Plain in Southwestern Louisiana. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Field Guide, 101 p.
  6. Anderson LC (1998) History of a Land Bridge and Sea Barrier. American Paleontologist 6:12-13.

Abstracts (Last five years)

  1. Anderson LC, Long BL, Kokesh BS, Paterson AT, Engel AS, Lim SJ, Campbell BJ (2019) Holocene Marine lakes as refugia: Morphometric and phylogenetic analyses of Bahamian lake Ctena (Bivalvia: Lucinidae) and their endosymbionts. In: Droser, M., N. Hughes, N. Bonuso, D. Bottjer, D. Eernisse, R. Gaines, A. Hendy, D. Jacobs, J. Miller-Camp, R. Norris, K. Roy, P. Sadler, M. Springer, X. Wang, and M. Vendrasco (eds.). 2019. 11th North American Paleontological Conference Program with Abstracts PaleoBios 36 (Supplement 1), ucmp_paleobios_44177, Symposium: Deep Time Paleogenomics, p. 60.
  2. Long B, Anderson L (2019) Molecular vs. morphologic phyogenies in Neogene and Quaternary Lucinidae (Bivalvia) of the Western Atlantic. NAPC In: Droser, M., N. Hughes, N. Bonuso, D. Bottjer, D. Eernisse, R. Gaines, A. Hendy, D. Jacobs, J. Miller-Camp, R. Norris, K. Roy, P. Sadler, M. Springer, X. Wang, and M. Vendrasco (eds.). 2019. 11th North American Paleontological Conference Program with Abstracts PaleoBios 36 (Supplement 1), ucmp_paleobios_44177, Session: Systematics and Phylogeny, p. 222.
  3. Kokesh BS, Anderson LC (2018) Phenotypic trajectory analysis reveals temporal divergence of shell shape in bivalves from adjacent marine lakes. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 50 (6), abstract 39-16, Indianapolis, IN.
  4. Lim SJ, Alexander LC, Engel AS, Anderson LC, Campbell BJ (2018) Novel symbiont species diversity within a Ctena orbiculata (Bivalvia: Lucinidae) population. American Society for Microbiology Microbe, Atlanta, GA.
  5. Nachman E, Walton J, Lim SJ, Engel AS, Anderson LC, Campbell (2018) Functional diversity of Phacoides pectinatus (Bivalvia: Lucinidae) gill microbiome. American Society for Microbiology Microbe, Atlanta, GA.
  6. Paterson A, Long BL, Kokesh BS, Anderson LC, Engel AS (2018) Anchialine lakes serve as novel habitats for relict taxa including chemosymbiotic bivalves. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 50 (6), abstract 278-12, Indianapolis, IN.
  7. Paterson A, Long BL, Lim SJ, Kokesh BS, Harmon A, Anderson LC, Campbell BJ, Engel AS (2018) Intraspecific variability of valve morphology and endosymbiont diversity among Lucinidae from shallow marine habitats. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 50 (3), abstract 24-9, Knoxville, TN.
  8. Engel AS, Lim SJ, Paterson AT, Payne Z, Scheffler S, Tran A, Campbell BJ, Anderson LC (2017) Taxonomic and metabolic complexity among lucinid bivalve endosymbionts. SAME15 – 15th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Zagreb, Croatia, Sept 3 -8.
  9. Kokesh BS, Anderson LC, Engel AS (2017) Assessing the diversity of lucinid bivalves from coastal and anchialine habitats on San Salvador Island, the Bahamas. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  10. Kokesh BS, Anderson LC, Engel AS (2017b) Geometric morphometric analyses of Ctena orbiculata (Lucinidae: Bivalvia) from marine lakes of San Salvador Island, The Bahamas, and surrounding coastal environments. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 49, No. 6. doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-301807
  11. Lim SJ, Engel AS, Anderson LC, Campbell BJ (2017) Novel co-symbiosis in the lucinid bivalve Phacoides pectinatus. American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA.
  12. Lim SJ, Engel AS, Anderson LC, Campbell BJ (2017) Genetic diversity in the lucinid-bacteria chemosymbiosis. Second Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Animal-Microbe Symbioses, Mount Snow, VT.
  13. Lim SJ, Davis BG, Gill DE, Engel AS, Anderson LC, Campbell BJ (2017) Novel co-symbiosis in the lucinid bivalve Phacoides pectinatus. First Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) on Animal-Microbe Symbioses, Mount Snow, VT.
  14. Lim SJ, Davis BG, Gill DE, Engel AS, Anderson LC, Campbell BJ (2017) Novel co-symbiosis in the lucinid bivalve Phacoides pectinatus. American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Microbe 2017, New Orleans, LA.
  15. Payne Z, Kokesh B, Paterson AT, Anderson L. Engel AS (2017) Endosymbiont diversity and shell morphology differences for Ctena orbiculata (Lucinidae: Bivalvia). Southeastern Biogeochemistry Symposium, Athens, GA, March 31-April 2.
  16. Scheffler S, Paterson AT, Long B, Anderson L, Engel AS (2017) Microbial communities from gill tissues and patchy seagrass habitat of a chemosymbiotic bivalve, Stewartia floridana. 4th Southeastern Biogeochemistry Symposium, Athens, GA, March 31-April 2.
  17. Kokesh B, Anderson LC, Engel AS (2016) Morphometric and ecological discrepancies of Lucinidae (Bivalvia) in various marine environments on San Salvador Island, the Bahamas. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, abstract 163-14.
  18. Long BL, Anderson, LC (2016) Morphologic divergence between life and death assemblages of Stewartia floridana (Bivalvia, Lucinidae) form Pine Island, Florida. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO 138-5.
  19. Lim SJ, Goemann A, Engel AS, Anderson LC Campbell BJ (2016) Taxonomic, genetic and functional diversity of chemosymbiosis in lucinid bivalves from coastal biomes. ASM SC Branch 2016 Fall Meeting, University of South Carolina Upstate, SC.
  20. Lim SJ, Goemann A, Engel AS, Anderson LC Campbell BJ (2016) Diversity of chemosymbiosis in lucinid bivalves. CBASS, Clemson University, South Carolina.
  21. Anderson LC, Pagnac D, Belanger C, Shelton S, Price M (2015) Digitizing ancient seas to advance student research and public outreach through the SD Mines Museum of Geology. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 47:28.
  22. Lim J, Goemann A, Engel AS, Anderson LC, & Campbell BJ (2015) Functional diversity of chemosymbiosis in lucinid bivalves from coastal biomes. South Carolina Branch American Society for Microbiology Meeting, Spring, 2015.
  23. Long BL, Anderson LC, Engel AS (2015) Testing the association of Stewartia floridana shell morphology with environmental parameters in a coastal seagrass area. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 47:350.

contact: Dept. of Geology and Geological Engineering, 501 E. Saint Joseph St., SDSMT, Rapid City, SD 57701
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